Earth satellite
Australia & New Zealand

Milo Mission Academy for Lunar Exploration

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Enrico Palermo
Head of the Australian Space Agency

Providing Accessible STEM Workforce Preparation to Accelerate Your Future

The Milo Mission Academy for Lunar Exploration is sponsored by AROSE for college and university & early career participants from Australia and New Zealand. It is a 12-week STEM workforce development program that is offered virtually to allow geographically diverse students the opportunity to fully participate, no matter their location.

The academy is designed to provide participants a hands-on, deep-dive understanding of the space mission life cycle. This team-based experience will help participants gain knowledge about the needs of the space sector, along with learning the practices, protocols, and procedures it takes to be operational within a space environment. The skills gained through this academy are foundational workforce skills that will be transferable across many Earth-based sectors as well including Energy, Resources, Defence, Comms/Tech, Adv Manufacturing.

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Program Heritage

The Milo Mission Academy is modeled after the highly successful NASA-sponsored L'SPACE Program and leverages a successful, award-winning heritage that has empowered thousands of STEM students attending US colleges and universities to learn industry-standard processes, protocols, and procedures while working on interdisciplinary space-focused team projects. Through this immersive academy training experience, the participants have enhanced their career opportunities to now include both Earth-based and space-based jobs. 

In partnership with AROSE, the Milo Mission Academy now brings this amazing opportunity to Australian and New Zealand’s TAFE and university students, enabling their career pathways in the exciting expanding space economy!

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Learn Effective Technical Workforce Teaming Practices

In today’s workforce, being able to work within a multidisciplinary team to optimise a project is a trait that many employers seek in their new hires. The Milo Mission Academy uses the context of space exploration for their projects, as it represents formidable challenges with many unknowns. The ability of being operable in the harsh environment of space takes a lot of innovation and planning, and teamwork to be successful. Participants will gain valuable practice in teaming as they work through their unique projects staying aligned to requirements, risks, schedule, and budget.


"Having watched for several years now (and in a small way, assisted) the unfolding journey and offering to the world that is the MILO Institute for Space Science, I am seriously excited about this new opportunity for growing Australia's and New Zealand's future deep technology talent pool. MILO's Mission Academy is a proven, world class hands-on pathway to help university students unlock doorways into the aerospace sector. In fact, it's as good as it gets, anywhere! The teaming between MILO and AROSE to bring the Academy down under is a wonderful step by two like-minded organisations. If you're serious about pursuing a career in space, advanced manufacturing, communications, resources, artificial intelligence, energy or other deep technology sectors (the list is long, because space touches all sectors) I encourage you to think very seriously about enrolling."

Professor Russel BoyceMilo Ambassador to Australia
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This 12-week experience is designed to provide unique, hands-on learning and insight into the dynamic world of the space industry.

Program Design

Teams will design payloads that will be delivered to the destination (lunar surface) by a space infrastructure service provider. The volume, mass, and power available to the payload will be defined by the transport vehicle and available features and systems (e.g., cameras, mobility, robotic arms, etc.) will be provided to the teams. The team's concept of operations (CONOPS) will begin upon arrival at the destination. Teams will have to be mindful of the environment in which the spacecraft and instruments will need to operate (e.g., temperatures, radiation, regolith that could cause problems with instrumentation, etc.). All mission infrastructure, including power, communications, and mobility, will be provided by the infrastructure service provider allowing teams to focus on designing the payload.


Final Deliverables: 

Design Review Technical Document

Mission Concept Presentation

Session Topics

Mission Academy topics are presented by subject matter experts and provide relevant information for teams in a systematic progression. The following schedule is provided as an example and can be customized to meet stakeholder objectives.

Welcome and Academy Overview

Effective Teaming Practices

Mission Destination and Space Environment

Science Goals and Science Traceability Matrix

Lunar Mission-planning and Analysis Tool (JMOON)

Experiment and Mission Design

Mission Requirements

Science Instrumentation

Concept of Operations and Data Management

Project and Risk Management

Technical Presentation Best Practices

Team Presentations

Requirements for Participation

  • Must be an Australian and New Zealand TAFE, University Student, or Early Career Professional (no more than 10 years post graduation);
  • Participants must be at least 18 years of age or older;
  • Participants must have access to a computer or tablet with access to the Zoom platform; 
  • Participants must have a passion for learning and eagerness to push themselves beyond current capabilities;
  • Participants must be able to devote 5-10 hours per week towards team projects; and
  • Participants must be able to attend all LIVE sessions conducted on Thursdays from 9:00 - 10:30 AM (AWST) beginning on 21st March 2024.

Cost to participate: AU$ 550

Program Timeline

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Earn Skill Badges

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Get Industry Certified

We proudly partner with Siemens to offer specialized training in the high-end CAD/CAM/CAE software, Siemens NX, as well as the opportunity to earn an industry certification!

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